One fine day, while surfing the net nonchalantly, I chanced upon World Vision. Although it’s a Christian foundation, I still obliged myself to sign up and sponsor 2children.
After a week, I received a welcome kit, wherein the mechanics, my donor ID and pictures of my sponsored children are attached. How cool is that? I now know my scholars’ demographics and how they look like.
And just last Friday, I was able to receive the best hand-written note given to me by anyone… ever.
I am so amazed at how they keep the sponsor-donor relationship close by being interactive. We can send letters to one another anytime we want. After receiving this, I realize how allotting a portion of my hard – earned moolah can be such bliss! I used to complain how little I receive compare to others, but it’s things like these that zap me back to reality and telling me that I am indeed fortunate a million-folds.
Maybe you’re asking why not donate my tithe somewhere closer to home, which is Gawad Kalinga. Well, GK has gained popularity all over the world already and I know there are people who donate and will still donate more than I can, but I promise myself to devote my time in community-building that is Gawad Kalinga.
Let me part with a beautiful verse from 2 Corinthians 9:7, “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
God bless you, my friend.
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