Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour

Earth Hour Logo
Originally uploaded by Earth Hour Global
Let's go, people! You know what to do!

Turn the lights off for 1 hour at exactly 8:30 pm local time.

Let's save mother earth.

After all, it's the only home we have.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Best hand-written letter ever

Ever since I joined SFC, it has come to my consciousness how it is important to tithe. It was mentioned in the Bible that part of our salaries (10% to be exact) should go to charity. It’s been an insatiable desire for me to give back to the community and it is only until recently that I came across this website. This time, it really struck a note in me because my contribution will send one kid to school, will give him a sustainable environment, and give him a right to disaster relief. Being a Scholastican, one of the tenets of my Benedictine education is “education for justice.” Meaning, we will be able to attain a just society by education and that basic education is everyone’s right.

One fine day, while surfing the net nonchalantly, I chanced upon World Vision. Although it’s a Christian foundation, I still obliged myself to sign up and sponsor 2children.

After a week, I received a welcome kit, wherein the mechanics, my donor ID and pictures of my sponsored children are attached. How cool is that? I now know my scholars’ demographics and how they look like.

And just last Friday, I was able to receive the best hand-written note given to me by anyone… ever.

I am so amazed at how they keep the sponsor-donor relationship close by being interactive. We can send letters to one another anytime we want. After receiving this, I realize how allotting a portion of my hard – earned moolah can be such bliss! I used to complain how little I receive compare to others, but it’s things like these that zap me back to reality and telling me that I am indeed fortunate a million-folds.

Maybe you’re asking why not donate my tithe somewhere closer to home, which is Gawad Kalinga. Well, GK has gained popularity all over the world already and I know there are people who donate and will still donate more than I can, but I promise myself to devote my time in community-building that is Gawad Kalinga.

Let me part with a beautiful verse from 2 Corinthians 9:7, “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

God bless you, my friend.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

the (ex)terminator

for the past month now, our house has been infested with ants and roaches. and i mean lots of them!

in the morning, when i prepare my coffee, i can see trails of ants leading to anything edible on the table. it only meant that when we were all sound asleep, these ants were having a feast!

or in the evening when i need to go to the bathroom, i'd be scared to death to see a team of roaches enjoying the aroma of the bathroom. i'm not the type who'd step on these pests, puh-lease, but they've taken its toll! i told myself i don't wanna see roaches and ants in this house anymore. impossible?? yes it is, but at least i'll find a way to minimize them. what if i have visitors at home? i don't wanna see them crawling, or worse, flying around the house. that is so disgusting!

as of press time, i managed to clean our kitchen sink and the 2 bathrooms in the house. i sprayed on insect killer to almost every corner of the house.

i'm happy with what i accomplished today. i can't say our house will be insect-free, but at least i've kept it at a minimum.

now i'm ready to invite csi over on thursday for household!

happy sunday!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

i am so loving..

the new look of my blog.

it took me probably a week to figure out how to get this banner thing up my site.

anyway, to my dear readers, expect a lot of updates on this site soon. i'm planning to give up my other blog. let's just see.

ciao for now!