yesterday was a really looooong day for me.
i started the day off by meeting jen in quiapo to shop for beads for our "budding" accessories business.
i decided to dress "dugyot" that morning because quiapo is known to be one of manila's snatcher's lairs. i donned a basic green shirt, an unwashed pair of jeans and my ever reliable crocs ballerinas. i skipped my pearl earrings and just put on my green watch. i decided not to bring my bulky samsung blackjack and even told jen to just text me in my sun number (a lowly sony ericsson phone). i didn't even bring my wallet and i just put all my money in my jeans pocket. i even had a nice time riding the jeepney that morning!
on my way to quiapo, probably around the padre faura area, i was able to witness a snatcher pulling a pair of earrings from a lady inside another jeep. although i didn't see the expression in the woman's face, i know she was shocked because she held on to her ears after that and she was looking around, probably wondering who stole her earrings. that was in itself traumatic for me. i was thankful the scumbag didn't see me texting earlier, otherwise i might've lost it too!
when i reached the church, i was able to see jen right away. i looked like her yaya after seeing her wearing her lacoste shirt and a new pair of running shoes. haha! we were both so excited to ransack the stores. being the first-time buyers that we are, we failed to shop around for better and cheaper deals. we practically blew our budget in one store and we felt robbed after paying for our purchases at the counter. the items we took appeared cheap at first, but since we were putting everything we saw appealing in our basket, we ended up paying for more than what we expected. i realized a few minutes after handing my moolah to the cashier that i still haven't bought all the things i needed for my projects. ayayay! lesson learned!
after that frustrating feat, we parted ways for i had to rush to valle verde to teach the dance min the steps to our dance for the clp reunion. jen had a salon appointment in the afternoon too.
i met with ahyen and another jen in glorietta so we can all ride to vv together. we were all laughing our hearts out because of ahyen's funny stories. when we reached the covered court of vv, the mavs game was already starting. i didn't mind the game coz we had to practice the dance. ayan tuloy, natalo ang maverick! *sigh*
when the game ended, we decided to drive to rockwell and have dinner before the dance practices start. before leaving the mall, we decided to make a quick stop to the wash room. when we're about to meet the rest of the gang, i hurriedly reached my bag pockets for my phones but they're both gone. i didn't panic. i was my usual graceful, composed self. i asked ahyen to call both my mobile thinking i just placed them somewhere else. had they been in the bag, i might've already felt them vibrate, but i didn't. we recalled all the places we've been to, the resto, the drugstore, the wash room. what i remember though was than an old lady was beside me when i was washing my hands and combing my hair. my bag was at the sink and i saw it "move" as if someone bumped into it. little did i know that it was my phone she was after. she might've seen me place my phone (this was after the last call to the boyfie) in the pockets and followed me to the wash room to get 'em. ahyen was so nice for lending me her phone to have my number blocked temporarily.
no amount of dancing made me forget my phones.
i've been meaning to replace the blackjack but i didn't see this coming. thus, i knew i wasn't ready to part with it.
lord, help me let go.